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Believe to See

Apr 9, 2016

C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien were members of a group called the Inklings--writers who met to challenge and inspire each other in their work. Yet despite widespread appreciation for their writing, and even though many work tirelessly for the Kingdom, few Christians today choose to make their most precious thoughts, work, and identities vulnerable to the criticism of others. This talk exploded myths about the Inklings, showed where you can see Lewis in Middle Earth and Tolkien in Narnia, and most importantly, revealed how Christians today can learn to cut through shallow praise and truly sharpen each other as iron on iron. ABOUT THE SPEAKER: Did you enjoy our events with Michael Ward and Malcolm Guite? Then you'll love this evening with the third part of the trifecta. Their friend Diana Glyer is also a powerful speaker, Lewis/Tolkien/Inklings expert, and profound contributor to the scene of the Christian imagination. Diana is a professor of English at Azusa Pacific University, where she teaches on literature and theology. She has published extensively on Lewis, Tolkien, and the Inklings, including contributions to The C. S. Lewis Readers’ Encyclopedia and C. S. Lewis: Life, Works, and Legacy. She is the recipient of the Wade Center's Clyde S. Kilby Research Grant (1997) and APU's Chase A. Sawtell Inspirational Teaching Award (2002). Her latest book is "Bandersnatch: C. S. Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkien, and the Creative Collaboration of the Inklings. More info: