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Believe to See

Aug 24, 2021

To celebrate the Anselm Society’s upcoming Imagination Redeemed conference, we’re sharing highlights from our past speakers. This first one is author Lanier Ivester’s 2018 talk, “The Magic of Rivendell.”

Aug 20, 2021

Glenn McCarty is the author of Junction Tales and The Misadventured Summer of Tumbleweed Thompson. He’s also a big believer in middle grade. He joins the table to discuss the importance of giving kids good books, and the influence of classics like Tom Sawyer on his imagination.

PS: Glenn’s latest book, Dead-Eye Dan...

Aug 5, 2021

Painter Josh Tiessen joins the table to discuss his new collection, “Streams in the Wasteland.” These paintings are both hyper-realistic and surrealistic. They feature exotic animals, Old Testament motifs, and a message about the human condition and our ecological crisis. Seriously, check these paintings out...