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Believe to See

Jul 29, 2020

Matt's two brothers join him at the table to discuss their shared passion: monster documentaries. Can TV shows that try (and fail) to find Bigfoot and Nessie teach us anything valuable? Can they have artistic merit? The Mellema brothers are on the case.

Photo by Roger Patterson

Jul 15, 2020

Ever notice CS Lewis quotations online that seem...less than real? Author William O'Flaherty joins the table to help. His book, "The Misquotable CS Lewis," analyzes the internet's favorite fake Lewis quotations. He explains why we love quoting CS Lewis, why we misquote him, and the importance of keeping...

Jul 2, 2020

Without any current sports, the table talks about the summer's biggest sports documentary: The Last Dance. Even if you don't care for sports ball, the epic tale of Air Jordan has a lot to teach us about narrative and modern myth-making.

Photo by Ed Wagner Jr., Chicago Tribune