Dec 18, 2019
Live at the Anselm Christmas Party, Matt asks whether CS Lewis should have added Father Christmas to "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe." He soon gets interrupted by a couple extra-special guests.
Photo by Lancia Smith
Dec 3, 2019
Does the true crime genre exploit people's pain, or does it share important stories? It turns out, the answer is complicated. And Anselm writer Sarah Pottenger is here to help.
Nov 19, 2019
Anselm poet Jane Scharl joins the table to share her love of classic poetic forms, and to explain how poetic style reflects your view of the world.
Photo by S.A. Kindstrom
Oct 28, 2019
Why do men seem less likely than women to show interest in the arts? Matt gathers the manliest men he knows—Anselm founder Brian Brown and Anselm artist Kory Denmark—to find out.
Photo by Carole Raddato
Mosaic: Pair of Centaurs Fighting Cats of Prey from Hadrian's Villa, c. 130 AD, Altes Museum Berlin
Oct 7, 2019
Rock journalist Mary Nikkel joins the table to share her years of experience covering the Christian Rock scene, and to explain the changing priorities of the industry.
Photo by Dejan Krsmanovic